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Laboratoire Sciences Pour l'Environnement | CNRS - Università di Corsica
Production scientifique 2022-2023
Articles scientifiques dans des revues internationales et conférences équivalentes
  1. L. Capocchi, J.F. Santucci, Towards a DEVS Model Management System for Decision-Making Web Applications , Information, MDPI, 13(3), 121, (2023), https://doi.org/10.3390/info14020069
  2. L. Capocchi, J.F. Santucci, Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation for Reinforcement Learning System Design, Information, MDPI, 14(2), 69, (2022), https://doi.org/10.3390/info13030121
  3. J.F. Santucci, L. Capocchi, The Legacy of Norbert GIAMBIASI to the University of Corsica: from Behavioral Testing to DEVS Fault Simulation, Simulation,  Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), 98(6) pp. 493-506, (2022), https://doi.org/10.1177/0037549718777625 
  4. J. Garcia, V. Pasqualini, L. Vanalderweireldt, P.-A. Bisgambiglia, M. Marengo, P. Lejeune, A. Aiello, EDH Durieux, Global patterns and environmental drivers of suitable habitat for Dentex dentex and Sciaena umbra along the Corsican coast, ICES Journal of Marine Science 79.9 (2022) 2461—2472 doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsac184 IF2022: 3.9
  5. L. Vanalderweireldt, C. Albouy, F. Le Loc'h, R. Millot, C. Blestel, M. Patrissi, M. Marengo,  J. Garcia, C. Bousquet, C. Barrier, M. Lefur, P.-A. Bisgambiglia, A. Donnay, S. Ternengo, A. Aiello, P. Lejeune, EDH Durieux, Ecosystem modelling of the Eastern Corsican Coast (ECC): Case study of one of the least trawled shelves of the Mediterranean Sea, Journal of Marine Systems 235 (2022) 103798 https://doi-org.udcpp.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103798 IF2023:3
  6. Poggi, B., Babatounde, C., Vittori, E., Antoine-Santoni, T. Efficient WSN Node Placement by Coupling KNN Machine Learning for Signal Estimations and I-HBIA Metaheuristic Algorithm for Node Position Optimization. Sensors 2022, 22, 9927. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22249927
Publications dans des actes de conférences internationales 
  1. L. Capocchi, J.F. Santucci, B.P. Zeigler, J. Fericean, DEVS Model Design for Simulation Web App Deployment, in Proc of Winter Simulation Conference, Singapore (ASIA), Dec 11-14, (2022), 10.1109/WSC57314.2022.10015469
  2. Antoine-Santoni, T., Poggi, B., Araujo, D., Babatounde, C., Factors Influencing LoRa Communication in IoT Deployment: Overview and Experience Analysis, International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security, IoTBDS - Proceedings, 202
Ouvrages et Chapitres d’ouvrage
  1. T. Oren, Paul K. Davis, R. Goldstein, A. Khan, L. Capocchi, M. E. Hamri, N. Mustafee, A. L. Harper, B. Hou, B. Hu Li,Y. Liu, (2023), Simulation as Experimentation. In: Oren, T., Zeigler, B.P., Tolk, A. (eds) Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation. Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications. Springer, Cham. , (2023), pp 77-119, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11085-6_3
  2. J.F. Santucci, L. Capocchi, T. Ören, S. Mittal, B. Hu Li, L. Zhang, T. Yu Lin, Y. Laili, C. Szabo, (2023), Supporting Computer Domains. In: Oren, T., Zeigler, B.P., Tolk, A. (eds) Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation. Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications. Springer, Cham. , (2023), pp 255-285, https://doi.org10.1007/978-3-031-11085-6_11.
  3. J. F. Santucci, L. Capocchi, T. Ören, C. Szabo, V. V. G. Neto, (2023), Synergies of Soft Computing and M&S. In: Oren, T., Zeigler, B.P., Tolk, A. (eds) Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation. Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications. Springer, , (2023), Cham. pp 287-309, https://doi.org10.1007/978-3-031-11085-6_12. 
  4. B. P. Zeigler, P. Wach, L. Capocchi, P. Weirich, M. S. Obaidat, B. S. et al., (2023), Supporting Science Areas. In: Oren, T., Zeigler, B.P., Tolk, A. (eds) Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation. Simulation Foundations, Methods and Applications. Springer, (2023), Cham. pp 311-351, https://doi.org10.1007/978-3-031-11085-6_13. 
  5. Giannoni, S., Noblet, S., & Bisgambiglia, P.-A. (2023). Surtourisme, sur-fréquentation et hyper-concentration des touristes : enseignements et perspectives pour la Corse. In Prunetti, D. Jouve, J. (Eds.). ESTATE – Etude de la SouTenAbilité des recompositions TErritoriales de la Corse (pp. 157-191). Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli, CNRS, Laboratoire « Lieux, Identités, eSpaces, Activités » (UMR 6240 LISA). https://doi.org/10.58110/ESTATE-S997 
  6. Andreas Tolk, Ernest H. Page, Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto, Paul Weirich, Nico Formanek, Juan Manuel Durán, Jean François Santucci, Saurabh Mittal: Philosophy and Modeling and Simulation. Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation 2023: 383-412
  7. C. Béler, G. Zacharewicz, P.-A. Bisgambiglia, B. Poggi, F. Poux and T. Antoine-Santoni, Towards (An Aggregated) Territorial Digital Twin From Smart-village to Smart-territory via the Territorial System of Digital Twin, Chapitre 16 de Concepts in Smart Societies: Next Generation of Human Resources and Technologies, Editeur Hussain, Petrillo, Islam CRC Press Taylor & Francis, ISBN 9781032170343.
Autres articles dans des revues professionnelles et/ou non répertoriées dans des bases de données internationales
  1. C. Paoli et al., “SENSOR AUGMENTED WEATHER PREDICTION AT HIGH RESOLUTION” [ANR-21-CE04-0014-03] PROJECT DMP.” Jul. 2022. Accessed: Oct. 28, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03737267
  2. P.-A. Bisgambiglia et D.R.C. Hill, Reproductibilité numérique : enjeux de crédibilité pour les expériences de simulation, 1024, BULLETIN de la société informatique de France, Avril 2022, numéro 19, pp. 137-144 DOI :10.48556/SIF.1024.19.137
Logiciels développés
  1. L. Capocchi, DEVSimPy : Environnement de développement collaboratif DEVS en Python, GPL V3.0, 2016 http://ticproject.univ-corse.fr/.
  2. L. Capocchi, DEVS-Ruby : API de simulation PDEVS en Ruby https://github.com/devs-ruby/devs MIT 
  3. L. Capocchi, DEVSimPy-mob : Application mobile pour la prise de décision en temps réel à partir de résultat de simulations DEVSimPy invoquées par web service, GPL V3.0
  4. L. Capocchi, DEVSimPy-rest : service web (API RestFull) pour la simulation DEVS à distance, GPL V3.0 
  5. DIMZAL https://dimzal.univ-corse.fr/site/accueil
Éditions ou coordination de volumes d’actes de colloques / congrès
  1. P.-A. Bisgambiglia,
Page mise à jour le 09/01/2024 par PAUL-ANTOINE SANTONI